Competencia digital docente en el uso de simulaciones virtualespercepción del profesorado de áreas STEM

  1. Alicia Palacios
  2. Rosa Gómez del Amo
  3. Álvaro Barreras-Peral
  4. Daniel Moreno-Mediavilla
Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación

ISSN: 1133-8482

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 68

Pages: 85-113

Type: Article

More publications in: Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación


Teacher digital competence and its improvementplaya prominent role in the current educational context. Virtual simulations are one of the main digital resources for effectively learning science and developing inquiry skills in STEM areas, being essential the role of the teacher in their efficient use in the classroom. The objectives of this work are to measure the perception of teaching digital competence in the use of virtual simulations, as well as to analyze the results based on sociodemographic, use and training variables. A quantitative study has been carried out through descriptive, correlational and associative analysis,with 500 STEAM teachers of Secondary Education. The results show an average self-perception value in the different dimensions of the competence. No significant differences were found in gender, age, years of teaching experience, or trainingreceived, but there were differences regarding their knowledge area, the frequency of use of virtual simulations in class, and the perceived needfor training. It is concluded that there is a need for significanttraining in the use of virtual simulations, mainly highlighting training in the search and selection of appropriate simulation

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