Las competencias del gestor del conocimiento en entornos formativos virtualesun modelo para su construcción participativa

  1. Gairín Sallán, Joaquín
  2. Armengol Asparó, Carme
  3. García San Pedro, María José

ISSN: 0211-819X

Year of publication: 2006

Issue Title: La gestión del conocimiento a través de la red

Issue: 37

Pages: 101-122

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5565/REV/EDUCAR.191 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Educar


This paper, framed within the Accelera Project, proposes a Competence¿s Model of Knowledge Manager in a network environment. We conceive the areas of competences from an holistic perspective, where the person, in this case the Knowledge Manager, plays an active and engaged role among his/her learning community and becomes the reference for its definition. The most relevant characteristics of this Model are its possibility to be contextualised and its opening, that allow be adapted to any organization which pretends to define the Knowledge Manger¿s Competences in a participative way.

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