La eficacia publicitaria del marketing de influencers en el sector de la moda

  1. Isabel Iniesta-Alemán 1
  2. Inmaculada Berlanga Fernández 1
  3. Elena Bandrés-Goldáraz 2
  1. 1 Universidad Internacioanl de La Rioja
  2. 2 Universidad de Zaragoza

ISSN: 1697-8293

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 22

Issue: 1

Type: Article


More publications in: Icono14


The influencer phenomenon, a consequence of the great change in communication and advertising brought about by technology, has been studied with increasing intensity since the beginning of the 21st century. The fashion industry in Spain is one of the biggest adopters of influencer marketing and, for this reason, this universe has been chosen to carry out this research. The main objective has been to describe the elements that have an impact on the effectiveness of this strategy within this sector. The methodological design with a qualitative approach is developed in two sequential phases: a review of the state of the art followed by six in-depth interviews with experts in communication within the sector under investigation. The main conclusion indicates that, in line with previous research on influencers, the alignment of the values of the brand, the influencer and the client is essential for the success of the influencer communication strategy. The main difference found with respect to other sectors is that trust is not as relevant as aesthetics to achieve a high level of engagement.

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