La mediación (auto)biográfica de la competencia mediática

Supervised by:
  1. Santiago Tejedor Calvo Director

Defence university: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 25 January 2022

  1. Luis Miguel Romero Rodríguez Chair
  2. María José Recoder Sellarés Secretary
  3. Maria da Conceiçao Passeggi Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 822024 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


With this thesis I want to make my contribution to media studies, communication, autobiography and education. In that sense, I think that (auto)biographical mediation of media competence will be useful to teachers and researchers, to place them in the perspective of their students before beginning a research process or a research project or training, in the various scenarios of formal, non-formal and informal education with students, communities and audiences. I would also like to contribute, with my reflections, to the implementation of the Media and Information Literacy Curriculum for Teachers, produced by UNESCO in collaboration with researchers from all over the world, so that they have at their disposal another resource that allows them to educate from the perspective of reflective teaching. From the beginning of the research, I set out to discover how to adapt the (auto)biographical audiovisual story as a method and as a methodology to introduce students of media, education, communication and edu-communication in the development of (self-)reflective skills and (self-)expressive skills of the media competence, and explain how the process of autobiographical mediation of the experiences, the memories and the stories of those memories comes about. And also explain the process of reflection and expression that is generated in the production of audiovisual (auto)biographical stories, departing from the life experience that is acquired with the media throughout life. In this sense, the thematic seminar offered me the possibility of adapting the methodological and epistemological principles of (Auto)biographical Research to the production process of (auto)biographical audiovisual story of students in relation to their media experiences, their mediated experiences and their mediatized experiences, as a form of (self-)observation, (self-)learning and (self-)updating of the gaze and views on reality.