Relación entre autoconcepto, autorregulación y rendimiento en matemáticas de futuros maestros en una universidad en línea
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
ISSN: 0213-8646, 2530-3791
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Alea: 38
Zenbakia: 99
Orrialdeak: 305-322
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: RIFOP : Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado: continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales
Students consider mathematics as a difficult subject and they are not very motivated to study it. In this area, self-concept and self-regulation of learning are considered to be predictive variables of academic performance, especially in virtual learning environments where students need greater management of the learning process. This research establishes an interrelation between the constructs self-concept, self-regulation and performance of future pre-service teachers who study online. The instruments used were the Self-Regulation Learning Strategy Inventory-Self-Report (SRSI-SR) adapted and the Mathematical Self-concept Questionnaire (AU). Applied to the students of the Knowledge of Mathematics subject during two consecutive courses, 21-22 and 22-23, in the studies of Primary Education Degree at an online teaching university (N=61). The results show a significant and positive correlation between mathematical performance and self-concept. Higher performing students have a better self-concept about their mathematical tasks than lower performing students. There is also a positive and significant correlation between performance and self-regulation of future teachers. The most self-regulated students reach a deep learning approach. Finally, the greater the self-concept, the greater the self-regulation, with the correlation between self-concept and self-regulation also being significant. These findings suggest the importance of establishing specific affective-mathematical intervention programs in virtual learning environments that support students in their metacognitive development.
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