Estudio independiente y aprendizaje cooperativo en redanálisis en diplomatura de posgrado

Supervised by:
  1. Santiago Tejedor Calvo Director

Defence university: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 28 March 2022

  1. Cristina Pulido Chair
  2. Luis Miguel Romero Rodríguez Secretary
  3. Luis Miguel Pedrero Esteban Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 819763 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The growth on the offer of master’s programs that are developed in virtual learning environments has stimulated the analysis of what makes it possible for students and teachers to study without coinciding in time and space. Other lines of investigation wonder how these environments can include the cooperation for learning achievement and to favor socialization. The first aspect refers to independent study and the second one to cooperative learning. Even though both aspects are frequently associated to the incorporation of information and communication technologies (ITC), technological information alone does not necessarily imply that those possibilities are set. It does not mean that the purposes of open education are accomplished either. Even though independent study and cooperative learning have been widely researched, the articulation between them both has not happened in such way, specially from studies that connect distance learning theories with empirical research. This thesis’ objective is to explain how independent study and cooperative learning can be articulated in order to structure a learning network in master’s degrees. The learning network focus is proposed in order to render account of the essential characteristics of the virtual learning environments. It is highlighted that among those characteristics, the complementarity between independent study and cooperative learning is defining, since it allows for the approach of key points such as flexibility degree and studies’ rhythm. For that purpose, proposals on distance education theories are considered; the concepts of independence and interaction are among those that stand out, as well as transactional distance, which allows the connection of dialogue, autonomy and structure. Reference points of the sciences of complexity are also taken back up in order to demonstrate that there can be an articulation between independent study and cooperative learning rather than an opposition. Likewise, it is proposed that motivation is a foundational consideration in the analysis of independent study, as well as cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies and resource management (such as time) that make up the self-regulation that students carry out. In the same way, positive interdependence as a distinctive element of cooperative learning is analyzed. With the purpose of connecting the aforementioned aspects to the practice in an online master’s program, the Dermatology Undergraduate Clinic carried out by the Iberian-Latin-American Dermatology College (CILAD by its Spanish Initials) is analyzed. It is a postgraduate diploma program with participation of physicians from 18 Latin-American countries, as well as an international teaching staff. For it, CMEA, the Spanish version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) was applied to and responded by 70 students. This questionnaire is structured on two scales: motivation and learning strategies. It is concluded that, as for transactional distance, this professional certificate has high dialogue and it is less customized. It is commented on that the capacities and processes of independent study and cooperative learning reinforce each other. In this way the processes of a learning network are strengthened and point towards the purposes of open education. The advantages and inconveniences of its combination are also set out, as well as suggestions and future lines of investigation, from the starting point of considering that independent study and cooperative learning can be, at the same time, the beginning point, the process and the point of arrival.