Programa de Educación a Cuidadores de Pacientes Dependientes Hospitalizados para mejorar la calidad de vida

  1. Mercedes Mediavilla Durango
  2. Ana Rodríguez Gonzalo
  3. Mª Asunción Ocaña Colorado
  4. Mª José Baquera de Micheo
  5. Silvia Morel Fernández
NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

ISSN: 1697-218X

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Nummer: 68

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería


Objective: To evaluate the effi cacy of an educational Health program designed to reduce the emotional burden of main caregivers of dependent patients, and to increase their quality of life and decrease their emotional burden. Methodolgy: Single Blind controlled trial, randomised by hospital units with a before-after design in both the experimental and control groups. Participants: The main caregivers of dependent patients admitted in 30 different hospital units. Our dependent variables are fi rstly; quality of life and burden of the caregiver, and secondly; the level of acquired knowledge carers, and their level of satisfaction with this educational program. Procedure: Weekly intervention provided; for the experimental group there will be two educational workshops providing training on basic activities during two consecutive days, for two hours each day. For the control group there will be an only weekly two hour workshop about ageing process. The workshops will be attended by caregivers of patients prior to discharge, who have signed the consent form. Instruments: Quality of life SF12, Burden of Zarit of the caregiver, a self-designed system to evaluate the level of knowledge and satisfaction of the caregiver. We will be following a month-long. The assigning of participants to the groups is random; the sequence of randomisation is controlled by a specifi c computer-generated closed-envelope system. Analysis: the resulting variables will be the difference between before and after; of the variables of quality of life and burden of the caregiver, knowledge and satisfaction of the caregiver. The qualitative variables are expressed as frequency and percentage, and the continuous variables as media, standard diversion or it is non-parametric alternative. For the contrasts of the hypothesis a Generalised Estimating Equation will be used due to Cluster randomisation. The SPSS 15.0 will be used.