Percepciones de los profesionales sobre el acompañamiento socioeducativo en los recursos de transición a la vida adultaUn análisis comparativo entre Andalucía y Cataluña

  1. Verónica Sevillano-Monje 1
  2. Clara Sanz-Escutia 2
  1. 1 Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social de la Universidad de Sevilla
  2. 2 Departament de Teories de l'Educació i Pedagogia Social de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Revista española de educación comparada

ISSN: 1137-8654

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 41

Pages: 213-229

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/REEC.41.2022.30059 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista española de educación comparada


Careers' support is crucial in residential care and in the resources for the transition to adult life for care leavers. This qualitative study aims to describe and compare the socio-educational accompaniment carried out in the resources for the transition to adult life in Andalusia and Catalonia, and to analyse the difficulties, needs and challenges of pro-fessionals from a comparative perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to 19 professionals from housing and employment guidance resources in both commu-nities. Our results show that the process of accompaniment and follow-up are similar, although in Andalusia the socio-occupational guidance has a stronger importance. In both communities, the work plan and the mentoring process are the key tools. On the other hand, the lack of time to work with young people, to create an emotional bond with them, and the difficulty in communicating with young migrants are the most relevant dif-ficulties encountered by the professionals. The main differences between communities arise regarding the training needs and the challenges of the intervention: in Andalusia, all those aspects related to the administrative situation of young migrants and the spe-cific training opportunities for young people are the most stated. At the same time, in Catalonia, aspects linked to socio-emotional support, integration and social participation of young people stand out. We conclude that these differences are mainly because of the characteristics of the resources. Our suggestion, as a way of improvement, is that all the stakeholders should work together, with special implication of the Administration. At the same time, we encourage the development of longitudinal studies at a national level

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