El proceso de innovación según la intensidad tecnológica de la industria manufacturera española
- María Botey Fullat 1
- Pedro Arias Martín 2
- Silverio Alarcón Lorenzo 2
- 1 ESIC Business & Marketing School
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
ISSN: 0422-2784
Año de publicación: 2018
Título del ejemplar: Nuevos Paradigmas Organizativos (I)
Número: 407
Páginas: 107-121
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Economía industrial
This article describes the results of a research conducted in the transport sector in the province of Valencia. In such research is considered on one hand the technological culture and secondly the push/pull strategy in technology adoption. We analyze the relationships and influences of these variables with business results in terms of economic benefits and customer loyalty. Collaborative economy between companies and their technology suppliers is a critical factor in the adoption of push/pull strategy and this subject influences the integration of technolo
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