Las estrategias lectoras metacognitivas como instrumento de mejora

  1. Vázquez González, Esperanza
  2. Muelas, A.
Psicología y educación: presente y futuro
  1. Castejón Costa, Juan Luis (coord.)

Publisher: [Madrid] : Asociación Científica de Psicología y Educación (ACIPE), 2016

ISBN: 978-84-608-8714-0

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 176-183

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación (8. 2016. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


Before the results slightly ideal that the Spanish pupils obtain in the reading comprehension in the international evaluations PIRLS and PISA. This study tries to remember the importance of reading comprehension and the reading strategies. For it one will deepen in the concept of metacognitive reading strategy and there will be evaluated what metacognitive reading strategies of 410 pupils of the sample are known and to use. Across a design expostfacto correlacional and the utilization of the statistical suitable tests; one accedes to a series of results and of conclusions that lead us to confirming the relation and complementarity between reading comprehension and metacognitive reading strategies with the educational implications that from it one derives.