El Ciberbullying y la Violencia de Género

  1. Melania Palop Belloch
Aequalitas: Revista jurídica de igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres

ISSN: 1575-3379

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Nummer: 40

Seiten: 27-32

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Aequalitas: Revista jurídica de igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres


This article attempts to analyze the legal and criminal response of the various existing provisions in the Criminal Code against gender violence produced by cyberbullying. The study by reviewing the literature and analysis of the penal code a lack of proportionality of punishment to the assumption nt, libel, slander, disclosure of secrets, threats and inducement to suicide in crimes of violence of genre. This happens because there is no specific criminal provision to regulate and criminalize illicit actions that cause this type of attacks on the fundamental rights of the victim on the Internet. Given the nature of the Internet: the speed of communication, file sharing, messaging and viral effect, ie, that information can be shared by all Internet users. This causes an aggravating factor in the crime committed is not punishable under the Criminal Code. Therefore, from this study the need to introduce a course specifically made for these types of illegal made on the Internet, either through an aggravating in the penal provision itself or a new penal provision as has been done with the crimes "ex novo” is acclaimed sexting and stalking. The structure of this article is divided into sections: The first section shows the introduction to approach the problem, in the second section we talk about the concept and characteristics of cyberbullying, in the third section the criminal justice response that gives the criminal code is studied this type of criminal offenses, and, finally, the conclusions.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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