Efecto kindling producido por un foco penicilínico amigdalino, en preparaciones crónicas de gato. Estudio polisomnográfico (registros de 23 horas) y de mapeo cerebral

  1. Adrián Martínez Cervantes 1
  2. Rodrigo Fernández-Mas 1
  3. Edith López 1
  4. Germán Vega 1
  5. Augusto Fernández-Guardiola 2
  1. 1 Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente
  2. 2 Facultad de Psicología, UNAM
Salud mental

ISSN: 0185-3325

Ano de publicación: 2000

Volume: 23

Número: 5

Páxinas: 26-34

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Salud mental


The effect of repeated “G” sodic penicilin (Pn) microinjections (50-250 UI/1µ1) in the temporal lobe amygdala (AM) of freemoving cats was investigated. The following variables were measured: a) the time of appearance of the epileptiform spikes in the injected amygdala, b) the duration and frecuency of the afterdischarges, c) the time of propagation to the cerebral cortex of both hemispheres and to the contralateral AM, d) the dose-response relationship for generalized convulsive seizures, e) the topographic distribution of the spike projection to the cerebral cortex, measured by brain topographic mapping technics, f) the progressive behavioral changes evolution analyzed in videotape. Results show that the microinjection of Pn in the AM is a realiable model of interictal spikes, paroxysms and generalized convulsive seizures, having similar characteristics as those of electrical kindling. The Pn repeated microinjection does not produce important changes in the layout and organization of sleep; the only important change was an increase in rapid eye movements sleep (REM) latency. A significant finding in this experiment was that the appearance of PGO spikes in both lateral geniculate bodies always coincide with a depression of the frecuency and amplitude of the interictal amygdaline spikes

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