Employer branding y propuesta de valor al empleado en códigos éticosestudio de caso

  1. Javier L. Crespo 1
  2. Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón 2
  3. Joaquín Marqués-Pascual 3
  1. 1 ESIC Business & Marketing School, España
  2. 2 Universitat Ramon Llull, España
  3. 3 EAE Business School, España
Innovar: revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales

ISSN: 0121-5051

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 32

Issue: 83

Pages: 51-62

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15446/INNOVAR.V32N83.99886 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Innovar: revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales


The employee value proposition (evp) approach has acquired an unusual importance in the area of people management under the cur-rent business scenario. Employer branding strategies are multiplying their communication actions to publicize an attractive work experience, full of advantages and benefits, in accordance with certain values and with the intention of not only promoting certain work ethics but also attracting and retain talent. Through a documentary and thematic content analysis, this research studies the evp that financial sector organizations included in the Spanish selective stock index (Ibex 35) enact through its ethical codes (ce), compared to those endorsed by firms in the global list of listed companies. It is verified that the financial entities integrated in Ibex 35 report a high degree of development with respect to the communication of a evp through its ces, since they fulfill most of the categories defined by Ibex 35 listed companies (with similarities and differences), and that these firms promote an image of being a great place to work through membership and profes-sional development. From a practical theoretical point of view, this study determines that the categories of affiliation, professional development, and work content, those most related to engagement, have greater weight in the communication strategy of a pve.

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