¿Se puede fomentar el orden desde la creatividad? Estudio de casoaplicación Dr. Panda Casa

  1. Romina Caluori Funes 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
Creatividad y sociedad: revista de la Asociación para la Creatividad

ISSN: 1578-214X 1887-7370

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Escuelas creativas

Issue: 32

Pages: 78-102

Type: Article

More publications in: Creatividad y sociedad: revista de la Asociación para la Creatividad


One way to promote order to children aged 2 to 4 years is through new entertainment formats, specifically through the application Dr. Panda Casa. This multichannel generation learns, is distracted and entertained in a hyperconnected way because its lifestyle has developed that way. The objective of this article is to analyze if, through this application, order is promoted from a creative perspective. It is interesting to know if this game is capable of facilitating the adoption of routines affecting creativity. Providing a varied number of ideas and stimulating an original and ingenious plan to order will allow children to be less structured and schematic, be able to generate new points of view and find different solutions to achieve a goal. To demonstrate if this application fosters order from creativity, a descriptive research was carried out analyzing five of Guilford’s (1977) creativity factors: fluidity, flexibility, originality, elaboration and internal coherence by evaluating three of the main activities of the app.