La transmisión de valores bioéticos en la formación académica en Enfermería

  1. David Lorenzo Izquierdo 1
  2. Gerard Colomar Pueyo 1
  3. Carme Vega Monteagudo 1
  1. 1 Campus Docent Sant Joan de Déu (Barcelona, España)
Ética de los cuidados: Humanización en salud

ISSN: 1988-7973

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 12

Type: Article

More publications in: Ética de los cuidados: Humanización en salud


Aim/objective.To know and to analyze diffetent situations related to Nursing Ethics and Law that a student identify during his/her internship. Methodology. A descriptive study was conducted through a survey made ‘ad hoc’, during the first term in 2017 for 2nd year students of the Degree in Nursing after their internship, at St John of God Nursing School (Barcelona), enrolled in the course “Nursing Ethics and Law”. Results. Of 162 students enrolled in the course, 100 (61%) answered the survey. In different percentages, most of the students faced actions in health assitance staff related to the topics/values included in the survey: information, privacy and autonomy. Conclusions. In some topics, such as patient’s privacy, there is coherence between the content of the subject “Nursing Ethics and Law” and professional praxis. In others topics, such as information and informed consent, there is not.

Bibliographic References

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