Contribución de la Universidad a la planificación estratégica a escala local

  1. Oscar González Fernández
  2. Aurora Ramos de las Heras
Didasc@lia: Didáctica y Educación

ISSN: 2224-2643

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Edición Especial, Agosto

Volume: 7

Issue: 5

Pages: 195-212

Type: Article

More publications in: Didasc@lia: Didáctica y Educación


For the sake of the improvement of the territorial strategic planning in Cuba, the theoretical and methodological foundations are contributed for the determination of the strategic objectives starting from the identification of the structural and functional factors of the development and the analysis of their interrelations, like base to model relationships of causation in the development processes to municipal scale. In the investigation a procedure is designed that integrates the analysis of the structure and characteristic economic for the identification of the factors of the development and, on this base, to determine the strategic objectives, as well as the decisive factors for each one of these. In this sense the structural analysis was used as tool for the integral study of the factors from the development to municipal scale. The results of the investigation are validated in the determination of the strategic objectives of the municipality Jobabo of the county The Tunas for the period 2015-2018, that which grants bigger relevancy to the development strategy and it favored the municipal government's capacity to respond to the demands of the upgrade of the Cuban economic and social pattern regarding the list of the territories like main characters in the administration of their own development.

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