El servicio de ayuda a domicilio como servicio susceptible al síndrome de burnout

  1. Luis M. Rodríguez Otero 1
  2. Ángeles Justo Rodríguez 2
  3. Esther Castaño González 2
  1. 1 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

    Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

    San Nicolás de los Garza, México

    ROR https://ror.org/01fh86n78

  2. 2 Servicios Sociales de la Mancomunidad de Verín, Ourense
Trabajo social hoy

ISSN: 1134-0991

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakia: 74

Orrialdeak: 93-120

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.12960/TSH.2015.0006 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Trabajo social hoy


Several studies have shown that occupations within the service sector are especially susceptible to the syndrome of professional burnout (Fidalgo Vega, 2006; Ortega and López, 2003). identifying the personal, educational and organisational factors that play determining roles in this phenomenon (Amie, 2001) and recognising that home-care service (HCS) is an occupation linked to the social and health care sphere, this article analyses the degree to which working in this kind of service affects or influences the health of the workers. This instrumental study of an empirical/descriptive nature uses a sample of 27 female home-care service workers in 10 rural municipalities in the province of Ourense (Spain). It also performs a more personal qualitative analysis focusing on experience and value. The results reveal low to medium-low identification with respect to the difficulty of the different activities. Most of the workers surveyed deem their health to be good (52 %) or average (37 %). Scores are found to be: (i) low in the questions of the caregiver burden interview, (ii) high in terms of personal satisfaction and (iii) medium in terms of social support, multidimensional coping and life orientation. A determining factor is also found in home-care service workers who have care-related obligations to family members in addition to their professional activity. Finally, the study reveals the existence of situations of stress in 29.6% of the sample, and also discusses different aspects of the professional activity that workers like more or less. Both are linked to the interaction between workers and the recipients of the services.

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