La acumulación de acciones: el despido objetivo por causas económicas y la resolución del contrato por retraso o impago en el salarioThe accumulation of actions: the objective dismissal for economic reasons and extinction for elayed or non-payment salary

  1. Vicedo Cañada, Luisa
Revista de información laboral

ISSN: 2254-3171

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 3

Pages: 55-79

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de información laboral


The aim of this work is to analyze two reasons different from extinction of the contract of work. On one hand, the extinction for will of the worker, based on the serious managerial breach for non-payment or continued delays of the salary, ex-. Article 50.1 .b) of the Statute of the Workers. On the other hand, which has his origin to instances of the businessman, for economic reasons - the so called «objective dismissal» of the article. 52.c) in relation with the article 51.1 of the Statute of the Workers. The latter reason has met affected by the labor reform produced by the Law 3/2012, of July 6, of urgent measuresfor the reform of the labor market. The work complements itself with a paragraph dedicated to the exercise of the actions with special attention to the accumulation of both actions.