Itinerarios musicales en la formación inicial docente como vehículo de comunicación intercultural

  1. Sara Navarro Lalanda 1
  1. 1 Università Europea di Roma
Pedagogías activas y recreativas: la Educación Musical en el siglo XXI
  1. Marco Antonio de la Ossa-Martínez (coord.)

Publisher: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

ISBN: 978-84-9044-630-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 141-153

Type: Book chapter


Music as a universal language is a perfect ally for educating active, participatory and responsiblecitizens, who have the ability to adopt perspectives that are different from their own,promoting many of the competences present in Global Citizenship Education (GCED), astrategic area of UNESCO’s Education Programme, which aims to instil in learners the values,attitudes and behaviours that form the basis of intercultural dialogue.In the present research we analyse a case study implemented in the academic year 2021-2022in the subject Musicology and music history of the degree in Scienze della Formazione Primariaand the subject Turismo y tradiciones artístico-culturales españolas e iberoamericanas of thediploma in Turismo e valorizzazione del territorio of the Università Europea di Roma, coursesthat are characterised by a high percentage of Erasmus students. In particular, the laboratoryactivity, based on the construction of a musical itinerary from the study of the music-themedinscriptions issued by the Municipality of Roma in the city centre, had as its main objective todeepen the musical history of the city, promoting interaction and cooperation between studentsthrough intercultural dialogue and the development of global competences.The project, implemented through the methodologies of Design Thinking and M.I.T.E.,included a first phase of selection of entries, then a research process on the composers, repertoireand their relationship with the Roman territory, a third phase of virtual development ofthe route and, finally, a moment of experimentation of the itinerary and reflection on the resultsof the experience through a SWOT analysis. In conclusion, through this case study, we willobserve how music education becomes a bridge for bringing together the different cultures ofthe past and present.