Análisis del derecho de protección de datos a la luz de las tecnologías emergentesprincipio de privacidad ubicua e integral

  1. María Loza Corera 1
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


La Ley privacidad

ISSN: 2659-8698

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 17

Type: Article

More publications in: La Ley privacidad


The fundamental right to Data Protection has shown an important evolution along with the development of emerging technologies. We analyse these developments to valorate whether it is necessary to create new rights. We conclude that it is not necessary to create new rights to achieve greater protection, but an updated interpretation considering the risks implied by emerging technologies, granting all biometric data, and also neurodata, the enhanced protection of special categories of personal data, as well as advancing the protection barrier through what we have denominated the ubiquitous and comprehensive privacy principle.

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