Actitud del grupo ordinario ante los alumnos de las aulas de aprendizaje de tareas desde el paradigma de la inclusión educativa

  1. Ainhoa Mugerza Salegi 1
  2. Rosario Castro López 1
  3. Amaia Zubeldia Rodríguez 1
  4. Carmen Calderón de Diego 1
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, España
Revista Inclusiones: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

ISSN: 0719-4706

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Homenaje Oscar Ortega Arango

Volume: 6

Issue: 4

Pages: 146-162

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Inclusiones: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales


The purpose of this research was to highlight the importance of the attitude that pupils and teachers have taken to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities and the main objective was to determine what would be the perception of students and teachers in students in classrooms Learning Task (AAT) and the Special Educational Needs (SEN). In order to carry out the current research was used a sample of 61 ESO students and 5 teachers and the instrument used was Likert questionnaire finalizing the questionnaire with an open question. The results show that there is lack of knowledge regarding the characteristics of the students of AAT and there is an intention from the majority of the students to spend more time and talk to students with disabilities to promote the integration of them. Therefore, this work helps to highlight the importance of establishing the integration plans oriented to inclusive education at earlier stages. At the end, an intervention proposal is presented in order to raise awareness to students and sensitize with people with disabilities.