Una experiencia real en la enseñanza del dibujo del cuerpo para la creación de videojuegos y personajes en 3D

  1. García Cuesta, Judit
ArDIn: Arte Diseño Ingeniería

ISSN: 2254-8319

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 26-37

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: ArDIn: Arte Diseño Ingeniería


In the last decades the traditional drawing has met complemented with the appearance of the digital drawing, where the digital tablets and new software of drawing and edition they turn out to be equal of important that the pencilholders or the paper. Of there that the present study seeks to unite these two technologies for the study of the drawing of the body. For it we will show the methodology and the results obtained during the first course (2012-2013) of the degree of animation of her Or - Tad (Center of Technology and Digital Art assigned to the University Camilo Jose Cela). The investigation seeks to find new technologies of education of the drawing that promote not only the manual skill of the pupil, but they promote the creativity and the expressiveness of the pupils. For it we will use an active methodology that The conclusions extracted from this investigation, raise the need of a change in the way of focusing the tasks that we put to our pupils to confront the education of the drawing in a world where the new technologies propose an educational challenge in the education of the drawing.