Propuesta de modelo teórico para el análisis de acomodación de la marca en nuevos mercados

  1. Sofía Escudero Fernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

    Valencia, España


Esic market

ISSN: 0212-1867

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 163

Páxinas: 341-388

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.7200/ESICM.163.0502.3 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Esic market


Objective: Determining how and in what way the brand communicates in retail outlets and how the different parameters affect the product’s communication and perception is a key part of business strategy. Identifying how the brand name is perceived is a fundamental phase of an SME’s marketing strategy for products in new markets. Methodology: This paper describes a theoretical analysis model of the components of a brand that influence its communication and affect the consumers’ perception at sales outlets. Results: The model was able to clarify the relevant external factors, especially those associated with environmental and cultural factors. A cross-sectional examination was able to indicate the visual, acoustic and marketing components of the brand that should be analysed to clarify its communicational strengths in new cultural environments. Limitations: The brand analysis model is implemented by means of a specially designed survey and allows the graphic aspects to be selected, besides pointing out the graphic and phonetic aspects of the brand’s weaknesses and strengths in new markets. Practical implications: This study is expected to be useful to both graphic designers and marketing departments in that it provides a shared reference point for both these specialist areas to assist in precision tuning of the brand’s graphic, phonetic and marketing variables by means of shared points of analysis.

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