Student satisfaction with the Service-Learning methodologyan added value in the training of the nursing degree

  1. García Garcés, Laura
  2. Ruiz-Zaldibar, Cayetana
  3. Gerónimo Llopis, Ángel
  4. Vicario Merino, Ángel
  5. Lluesma Vidal, Marta
Horizonte Sanitario

ISSN: 1665-3262 2007-7459

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 21

Issue: 1

Pages: 25-34

Type: Article

DOI: 10.19136/HS.A21N1.4511 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Horizonte Sanitario

Sustainable development goals


Objective: To evaluate the effect on the satisfaction of nursing students and the participants of Service-Learning methodology in the development of Health Education workshops. Method: Service-Learning project was designed in four stages: 1) students training in knowledge about Community Nursing and Health Education; 2) development of healthy workshops for its implementation in associations; 3) implementation of the workshops; 4) reflection on Service-Learning impact. An ad hoc questionnaire was developed to assess students’ satisfaction. It was also evaluated the workshops’ participant’s satisfaction.  Results: students reported having a very high level of satisfaction by increasing their scores after improving Service-Learning methodology in the subject. In addition, participants who received health promotion workshops developed by nursing students reported a positive impact on their health. Conclusion: development of Service-Learning methodology associated with health education implies high level of satisfaction in nursing students and a social impact for the community. 

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