Interés patrimonial o actuación tuitiva en el desempeño del cargo de tutor sobre los menores incapaces independientes en el Derecho Romano

Revista General de Derecho Romano

ISSN: 1697-3046

Any de publicació: 2021

Número: 37

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista General de Derecho Romano


Since ancient times, a series of institutions were configured within the Roman private law, tending to make up for the lack of capacity of some subjects. To this end the institution of guardianship is directed, projecting itself in the field of family law, to deal with both the figure of the sui iuris impúber, whether male or female, as well as on that of the pubertal woman sui iuris. The Roman legal sources inform us of the definition given by Servio Sulpicio Rufo, prestigious jurist of the end of the Republic, with respect to the institution of guardianship in which, framing the guardianship within the family powers, he affirms that tutela est vis ac potestas in capite libero ad tuendum eum, qui propter aetatem sua sponte se defendere nequit, iure civili data ac permissa. There are notorious doubts about the very nature of this institution of protection and therefore about the character of the office of guardian insofar as the sources present us with a more than possible alteration of the definition of the guardianship carried out by the compilers as it becomes evident that the word vis contained in the Florentine when defining the institution, has been changed by the term ius in the parallel text of the Institutions. If the definition of guardianship as "ius ac potestas" given by Servio Sulpicio seems to suggest the protectionist nature of the guardian's actions, stating that guardianship is a "power and authority over a free person that civil law allows and grants to protect those who, because of their age, cannot defend themselves", in the Law of the XII Tables this institution is conceived as a figure of protection not only of the minor but also of his patrimony.

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