Aspectos sobre la marginalidad jurídica de la femina romana. Optio tutoris testamentaria y coemptio tutelae evitandae causa, pasos hacia su independencia jurídica.

Revista General de Derecho Romano

ISSN: 1697-3046

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Nummer: 34

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista General de Derecho Romano


The Roman woman was always subjected to the power of another being, which could be her paterfamilias, her husband or a guardian. The sui iuris woman would always be subject to the guardian institute: either to the tutela impuberum if the woman was impuberate or to tutela mulierum if the woman was púber. The present work aims to analyze the reasons that led in ancient Rome to articulate mechanisms of control over women, beyond the artificial protectionist justification of them based on the infirmitias sexus, levitas animi and forensium ignorantia, these reasons that if they could have had some basis in archaic times, in classical times were catalogued all of them of apparent, since they did not conform to the social and legal reality of women at that time, being considered as a legal form of socio-economic control derived from the ancient family structure where the male sui iuris (paterfamilias) was considered dominus of everything and of all members that conformed the family order. We will also deal with the gradual dismemberment of the vast power of the male over the legal situation of women, making reference to figures such as the vestal virgins and the ius liberorum, also stopping at the analysis of actions such as the optio tutoris testamentaria and the coemptio tutelae evitandae.

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