Herramienta de autoría de contenidos didácticos multimedia para entorno de formación colaborativo en Cirugía de Mínima Invasión
- Sánchez González, Patricia
- Fernández, Alvaro
- Sánchez Margallo, Francisco Miguel
- Burgos Solans, Daniel
ISSN: 1578-7680
Argitalpen urtea: 2011
Zenbakia: 28
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: RED: revista de educación a distancia
TELMA is a training environment based on e-learning technologies that aims at providing an adaptive and personalized learning experience using an efficient surgical video-based content authoring, a users' knowledge management and a collaborative professional network. TELMA aims to improve training (initial and life-long-learning) processes within Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS). TELMA environment provides a personalized learning, supporting knowledge capturing, sharing and reuse, effective management of didactic contents and their adaptation to their individual training needs. TELMA also incorporates a multimedia didactic authoring tool, which allows the edition and creation of didactic contents stored in the environment. The authoring tool has a multimedia laparoscopic video editor whose goal is the didactic enhancement of relevant information in surgical videos, suitable for early surgeons' training stages.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
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- Sánchez-González P., Oropesa I., Romero V., Fernández A., Albacete A., Asenjo E., Noguera J., Sánchez-Margallo F., Burgos D., Gómez E.J. (2011). TELMA: Technology enhanced learning environment for Minimally Invasive Surgery. Procedia Computer Science, 3, pp. 316-321.
- Videohemostasia. Página web de Videohemostasia http://www.videohemostasia.com/ (Consultada: Enero 2011).
- WebOp. Página web de WebOp http://www.webop.de/ (Consultada: Enero 2011).
- WebSurg. Página web de World Electronic Book of Surgery (WebSurg) http://websurg.com (Consultada: Enero 2011).