Impacto de las TICs en la estructura y arquitectura de los centros

  1. Fandos Igado, Manuel
  2. Martínez Gracia, María José
  3. Vélez Salinas, Juan Manuel
Aularia: Revista Digital de Comunicación

ISSN: 2253-7937

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 247-252

Type: Article

More publications in: Aularia: Revista Digital de Comunicación


Considering a brief review regarding the evolution of the space from a pedagogical and technical point of view, as well as a review on the actual theorical situation concerning technology, we reflect about the impact that the architectural features do on the organization, comfort and information and comunication technologies in an educational center, as well as the convenience to establish routes to share knowledge between teachers and those responsible on the design of educational buildings, because the spaces and their versality influence, among others, on the organization possibilities, and the organization correlates on the methodology, teaching - learning styles and satisfaction level of users.