Fundamentación y diseño de un protocolo de evaluación para la implementación de la personalización educativa en el aula

  1. Peris Sirvent, Rosa María
Dirigida per:
  1. Enrique Anrubia Aparici Director/a
  2. José Fernando Calderero Hernández Codirector
  3. Josu Ahedo Ruiz Codirector

Universitat de defensa: Universidad CEU - Cardenal Herrera

Fecha de defensa: 01 de de març de 2017

  1. Alba García Barrera President/a
  2. Rafael Fayos Febrer Secretari/ària
  3. Patricia Arteaga Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


ABSTRACT The research that has been carried out in this work is based on the study of the theory and practice of Personalized Education: an education centered in each individual. Today, it is normal to find educational centers that offer this added value, from the paradigms of the inclusive school. However, on rare occasions, the centers have the tools and knowledge required to offer a truly personalized education that could promote the integral and personal development of each person. The knowledge that each person is unique in their capacities (cognitive, corporal, volitional, affective), in their work rhythm, in their interests…, leads to planning education in a personalized way. Children enjoy any experience in life as a natural way to improve their life. Educators, who prepare learners develop different roles in the community as their special talents are needed, as Dewey (1959) asserts. When educators focus their work on the student's full development, letting them make their own discoveries, propose their learning itineraries, learn to live and work as a team and alone, etc., these educators are projecting their work in the long term because facilitate the acquisition of skills and skills that will be needed in their adult life. The general objective of this thesis is to establish the bases for the design personal education and the assessment of an educational personalization in a classroom. We have developed an anthropological study with the above purpose that let us know more the subject of education deeply (the person). From anthropology bases we have analyzed the concept of education to know better the meaning of the expression: education centered on the person, and the term educational personalization. According to the objective of the research, this study is structured in two main parts: the first part consists in the elaboration of the concept of educational personalization and its foundation, while the second one consists in three empirical studies carried out to obtain the necessary information to formulate the practical guidelines of application of the Personalized Education.