Objetos de realidad aumentadaPercepciones del alumnado de pedagogía

  1. Sandra Martínez Pérez 1
  2. Bárbara Fernández Robles 2
  1. 1 Universitat de Barcelona

    Universitat de Barcelona

    Barcelona, España

    ROR https://ror.org/021018s57

  2. 2 Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla

    Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla

    Burgos, España

    ROR https://ror.org/055sgt471

Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación

ISSN: 1133-8482

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 53

Pages: 207-220

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/PIXELBIT.2018.I53.14 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación

Sustainable development goals


Augmented Reality (AR) is presented as an emerging technology that offers greatpossibilities to society in general, and to university education in particular, due to theopportunities it presents to create learning environments, active and constructivist. Theresearch that we present will seek to know the perception that the students of the Degree ofPedagogy have about the potentialities and difficulties of this technology in education, andempowers the student to design the contents of the RA. To collect the information, aquestionnaire was designed consisting of 23 items on a Likert scale. The sample of the studywas formed by 78 students of the 2nd year of the Degree of Pedagogy of the University ofSeville, who were taking the course Educational Technology. As results of this research, wecan highlight the positive perceptions that future professionals of education have about thistechnology and, especially, the benefits that the use of it provides in the learning processes.

Funding information

El presente trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el marco del proyecto de investigación I+D«Realidad Aumentada para Aumentar la Formación. Diseño, Producción y Evaluación de Programas de Realidad Aumentada para la Formación Universitaria» (RAFODIUN)(EDU2014-57446-P), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.


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