Diseño y validación de un instrumento para evaluar el aprendizaje desde una perspectiva táctica en fútbol en educación física escolar e iniciación deportiva

  1. Barquero Ruiz, Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. José Luis Arias Estero Director
  2. David Kirk Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 09 March 2023

  1. Antonio Calderón Luquin Chair
  2. José Ignacio Alonso Roque Secretary
  3. Alexander Gil Arias Committee member

Type: Thesis


Tactics-based pedagogical models play a central role in the literature in physical education and youth sports due to the reported improvements in learning to play games compared to a traditional way of teaching, based on technique. However, while tactical approaches are proliferating in the literature, the forms and instruments of assessment are not very different from those used in traditional teaching. Moreover, teachers, coaches and researchers have reported difficulties with assessment under this tactical approach due to a lack of quality information. Within this context, the present doctoral thesis aimed to design, validate, and obtain the reliability of an instrument to assess learning from a tactical perspective in football in school physical education and youth sports. To this end, three studies were carried out. In Study 1, a systematic review was developed on the assessment of learning from a tactical perspective. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews, Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology, and the prevention of risk of bias were followed. A total of 50 studies were analyzed. Our results revealed the most commonly used instruments. Six limitations in their use were identified: (a) they used unvalidated criteria, (b) they did not assess tactical levels, (c) they used quantifiable mathematical indexes, (d) they used an individual unit of observation, (e) they did not assess all roles, and (f) they were used in contexts where they were not validated. In Study 2, an instrument was designed and validated to assess learning from a tactical perspective. This task was carried out in two stages. First, there was a design stage, with three phases: (a) literature review, (b) exploratory observation, and (c) panel of experts. Second, there was a validation stage, with five phases to obtain content, comprehension, construct, and criterion validities and reliability. A validated instrument was developed that overcomes the limitations showed in the literature. The instrument comprises 22 criteria to assess tactical learning in football from 8 to 12 years old, in physical education and youth sports. In Study 3, the psychometric validity of the instrument created in Study 2 was obtained through: (a) statistical analysis of the criteria, (b) study of dimensionality, (c) reliability, and (d) external validity. The outcome was a revised version of TAIS divided into four dimensions (appropriate attack, inappropriate attack, appropriate defence and inappropriate defence) and 12 criteria, which allows for an aligned and ecological assessment of games from a tactical perspective.