Influencia del “bullying” y el “ciberbullying” en la motivación de los estudiantes de secundaria y su efecto en el rendimiento académico

  1. Davila Quiñones, Janice O.
  2. Molina Jaén, María Dolores
  3. Pérez García, Álvaro
Etic@net: Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento

ISSN: 1695-324X

Ano de publicación: 2017

Volume: 17

Número: 2

Páxinas: 220-246

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.30827/ETICANET.V17I2.11901 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Etic@net: Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento


Bullying is an alarming reality in our society. When we talk about bullying, we refer to situations in which one or more students persecute and intimidate others through insults, rumors, humiliations, social isolation, nicknames, physical aggressions, threats and coercions. Of months and even years, evolving into "cyberbullying" that refers to a form of aggression through technologies, with its devastating consequences both socially and personally. That is why the educational community can not ignore these situations and become aware to give solutions and seek to prevent it. The main objective of this study is to determine if school bullying, whether in the position of victim or aggressor, is the determining factor for the lack of motivation and low academic performance of students in secondary schools in Puerto Rico. To that end, a questionnaire will be created for teachers and another for students, both regular and special education, to attend to the need and help to really understand what are the factors associated with the problem under study. This will be precisely what is presented in this article, the questionnaire elaborated and already validated by expert judges and that after its implementation and obtaining the results will serve to present a model of intervention for students and teachers that seeks to enhance motivation and the school performance of students especially when they are victims of bullying in any of its modalities.

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