La utilización de los blogs como recurso educativo en la asignatura de ciencias para el mundo contemporáneo
ISSN: 1696-2079
Año de publicación: 2015
Título del ejemplar: Tecnologías y Educación
Número: 12
Páginas: 128-169
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: : revista de estudios para el desarrollo social de la Comunicación
The tools of Web 2.0 are present in our everyday life. The school is not unconnected with this phenomenon. Blogs are probably the most successful ones in the entire catalogue of educational resources appeared, and they are having such a impact at schools. In this article, we introduce an experience of using blogs by 1st High School students, in particular, in the subject of Contemporary World Sciences. Subsequently, we expond on an analysis of the observed strengths and weaknesses in the development.
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