Participación de la audiencia en los medios digitales españoles sobre causas externas de muerte

  1. Francisco Javier Olivar de Juliá
  2. Francisco Segado Boj
  3. Jesús Díaz del Campo
Miguel Hernández Communication Journal

ISSN: 1989-8681

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 12

Páxinas: 491-514

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Miguel Hernández Communication Journal


This study analyzes the participation of readers in news about sinister in the Span-ish digital media. The work compares the number of times “likes”, “shared” and “commented” in the news on the main external death events: traffic accidents, falls, drowning and suicide. For this, jour-nalistic pieces from the 2010-2017 period have been collected through the Mynewsonline newspaper archive. A content analysis was carried out on a representative sample of news (n = 4,733), where the number of reactions for each news item was measured in the six main Spanish digital media (,,,, and The relationship of this participation of readers according to the type of sinister, the sensational features of the news and the popular character of the victims have also been studied. The results confirm a low social participation in the indications of “like” and “shared” and a greater activity in the comments of the news, especially in the cases of suicide, in news with sensational features and when the victim is a character popularly known

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