Estrategias de colaboración público-privada para la gestión sostenible de hospitales públicosun análisis de eficiencia comparado

  1. Franco Miguel, José Luis
Dirigée par:
  1. Carmen Fullana Belda Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 29 avril 2019

  1. Lourdes Torres Pradas President
  2. María Mercedes Fernández García Secrétaire
  3. Clara Isabel Muñoz Colomina Rapporteur
  4. Elena Urquía Grande Rapporteur
  5. David Cantarero Prieto Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 592773 DIALNET


Doctoral Thesis entitled "Strategies of public-private collaboration for the sustainable management of public hospitals: a comparative efficiency analysis ", studies hospital efficiency from five different aspects of health management in a comparative way between traditional hospital management and various forms of management based on public-private collaboration The efficiency in its forms: technical, health expenditure, care coordination, research and costs and average stay by Diagnostic Related Group are analyzed. The analysis is carried out by comparing the different forms of hospital management, mainly traditional management with respect to the Private Finance Initiative, Public Private Partnership and other forms of management. As a result of the research performed, an empirical contribution that places the debate on the forms of hospital management at the technical level is presented, covering the research gap detected in the absence of multidimensional efficiency analysis between different modalities of hospital management.