Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (25)


  1. Cardiovascular exercise guidelines for optimal performance of active females throughout the lifespan including children, adolescents, and the aging female

    The Active Female: Health Issues throughout the Lifespan (Springer International Publishing), pp. 451-461

  2. Exercise and immunity: Beliefs and facts

    The Active Female: Health Issues throughout the Lifespan (Springer International Publishing), pp. 503-526

  3. Exercise guidelines during pregnancy

    The Active Female: Health Issues throughout the Lifespan (Springer International Publishing), pp. 483-502

  4. Exercise metabolism and menstrual cycle

    The Active Female: Health Issues throughout the Lifespan (Springer International Publishing), pp. 119-127

  5. Learning and metabolic brain differences between juvenile male and female rats in the execution of different training regimes of a spatial memory task

    Physiology and Behavior, Vol. 267

  6. Medical and physiological complications of exercise for individuals with an eating disorder: A narrative review

    Journal of Eating Disorders, Vol. 11, Núm. 1

  7. Not so normal unhealthy lean

    The Active Female: Health Issues throughout the Lifespan (Springer International Publishing), pp. 545-562

  8. Resistance training guidelines for active females throughout the lifespan, from childhood to elderly

    The Active Female: Health Issues throughout the Lifespan (Springer International Publishing), pp. 463-482

  9. Screening for eating disorders, dysfunctional exercise, and menstrual dysfunction in female athletes

    The Active Female: Health Issues throughout the Lifespan (Springer International Publishing), pp. 183-210

  10. The polygenic basis of relapse after a first episode of schizophrenia

    European Neuropsychopharmacology, Vol. 75, pp. 80-92

  11. Vigorous-intensity exercise as a modulator of cardiac adipose tissue in women with obesity: a cross-sectional and randomized pilot study

    Frontiers in Endocrinology, Vol. 14