Romero Barriuso
Investigador en el periodo 2020-2022
Rodríguez Sáiz
Publicaciones en las que colabora con Ángel Rodríguez Sáiz (8)
Estimate of the maximum dwell time for the intervention teams in a fire: Ambient temperature
VIII International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building - CITE2023
UNE Standard´s comparative analysis of ATEX applied to machine rooms and autonomous heat or cold cogeneration equipment
VII International Conference on Education Innovation in Building - CINIE2023
AMIANTO. Plan de Desamiantado. Procedimientos de actuación en los edificios (
Instituto de la Construcción de Castilla y León
ORP Training & Construction
VI International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building - CITE2021
The importance of preventive training actions for the reduction of workplace accidents within the Spanish construction sector
Safety Science, Vol. 134
Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en la PYMES del Sector de la Construcción: Grado de implantación y dificultades de aplicación = Health and Safety Management in SMEs in Construction Sector: Degree of Implementation and application difficulties
Anales de Edificación, Vol. 6, Núm. 1, pp. 54-62
The importance of training in the reduction of occupational accidents in the construction sector
IV International Conference of Innovation and Education in Building - CINIE2020
The transposition of the Council Directive 92/57/EEC to RD 1627/97
V International Conference on Technological Innovation in Building - CITE2020