Área: Artes y Humanidades

Facultad: Facultad de Educación

Research group: Cultura visual, prácticas artísticas y mundo digital

Personal web: https://es.linkedin.com/in/maisapufe-artist

Doctor by the Universidad de Granada with the thesis Reconstrucción del Patrimonio a través del Dibujo Investigación e hipótesis visual sobre 17 fragmentos de los frescos murales del Peinador de la Reina en la Alhambra 2021. Supervised by Dr. Asunción Jódar Miñarro.

INTERNATIONAL PH.D. IN ARTS AND HISTORY Puerto Fernández, María Isabel (1993). University professor - Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (since 2023). Ph.D in Arts and History from the University of Granada. CUM LAUDE. (2021). Official master in "Drawing: creation, production and diffusion". University of Granada (2016). Graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Granada (2015). Accredited Ph.D. Professor by ANECA. Belonging to the Research Group COMPOSITION AND NARRATIVE IN CONTEMPORARY DRAWING (HUM-805). Organism: Junta de Andalucía (since 2018). Collaborator in the project R + D + I "Artistic and visual research methods, educational innovation and social intervention (MAIN 4)". Project reference: HAR2016-76353-R. Organism: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Belonging to the Research Group CULTURA VISUAL, PRÁCTICAS ARTÍSTICAS Y MUNDO DIGITAL. Organism: Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (since 2024). Received a scholarship "Becas ELMER" (2017) research stay at the Museum-Palace PALAZZO GRIMANI, Polo Museale del Veneto (Venice, Italy). Collaborator in archaeological project such as research in art and drawing as THUTMOSIS III TEMPLE PROJECT (Luxor, Egypt, 2016); PROJECT QUBBET EL HAWA (Aswan, Egypt, 2017). National Youth Awards 2023 Spain. Honorable Mention in Culture. Ministry of social rights and 2030 agenda / Spanish Youth Institute (Injuve) / Spanish Presidency Council of the European Union.