Publikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Servicio Madrileño de Salud (18)


  1. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in HTLV-1 non-endemic regions

    Journal of Clinical Virology, Vol. 167


  1. Drug resistance mutations in HIV-2 patients failing raltegravir and influence on dolutegravir response

    Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Vol. 72, Núm. 7, pp. 2083-2088

  2. HIV type 2 epidemic in Spain: Challenges and missing opportunities

    AIDS, Vol. 31, Núm. 10, pp. 1353-1364

  3. Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Infection in Hepatitis C Virus-Antibody Positive Patients in Spain

    AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Vol. 33, Núm. 10, pp. 1013-1017

  4. Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 infection and disease in Spain

    AIDS, Vol. 31, Núm. 12, pp. 1653-1663


  1. Transmitted drug resistance to rilpivirine in newly diagnosed antiretroviral naive adults

    Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Vol. 21, Núm. 1, pp. 104.e1-104.e5

  2. Use of cohort data to estimate national prevalence of transmitted drug resistance to antiretroviral drugs in Spain (2007-2012)

    Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Vol. 21, Núm. 1, pp. 105.e1-105.e5


  1. HIV-2 and HTLV-1 infections in Spain, a non-endemic region

    AIDS Reviews, Vol. 16, Núm. 3, pp. 152-159

  2. HIV-2 viral tropism influences CD4+ T cell count regardless of viral load

    Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Vol. 69, Núm. 8, pp. 2191-2194

  3. Molecular epidemiology and clinical features of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 infection in Spain

    AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Vol. 30, Núm. 9, pp. 856-862


  1. Association between HLA alleles and HAM/TSP in individuals infected with HTLV-1

    Journal of Neurology, Vol. 260, Núm. 10, pp. 2551-2555


  1. Seroprevalence of HTLV-1/2 infection among native and immigrant pregnant women in Spain

    AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Vol. 25, Núm. 6, pp. 551-554