Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Ana María Fermoso García (19)


  1. Success cases for mobile devices in a real university scenario

    Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts (IGI Global), pp. 216-236


  1. A new proposal for heterogeneous data integration to XML format. Application to the environment of libraries

    Metadata and Semantics (Springer US), pp. 143-153

  2. M-House. Una nueva propuesta basada en servicios de localización para la búsqueda de alojamiento a través de dispositivos móviles

    Conferencia Ibero Americana WWW/Internet 2009 Proceedings: CIAWI09

  3. M-Library. A new platform to provide mobile-services of libraries

    International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Vol. 3, Núm. 4, pp. 133-140

  4. Mobile applications: MovilPIU and mobiblio

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)


  1. A new MDA approach based on bpm and soa to improve software development process

    Tékhne, pp. 75-91

  2. Características para mejorar el clustering de documentos web

    Proceedings IADIS International Conference Ibero Americana WWW/Internet 2008

  3. Clustering of web documents: Full-text or snippet

    IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet 2008, Freiburg, Germany.

  4. IWPAAMS2007-08: Multiagent system for information integration and consulting in XML format

    IEEE Latin America Transactions


  1. A New Proposal for Heterogeneous Data Integration to XML format. Application to the Environment of Libraries.

    2nd MTSR 2007: Corfu Island, Greece

  2. A new system for integrating information from libraries' catalogues to MODS format

    International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, Vol. 2, Núm. 3, pp. 201-210

  3. Los dispositivos móviles: casos práctico sobre esta nueva plataforma para aplicaciones

    6th International Workshop on Practical Applications on Agents and Multiagent Systems

  4. Recuperación de Información Web usando Clustering: una evaluación centrada en la experiencia del usuario

    6th International Workshop on Practical Applications on Agents and Multiagent Systems

  5. Sistema multiagente para la consulta e integración de información en formato XML

    6th International Workshop on Practical Applications on Agents and Multiagent Systems

  6. Una recomendación de desarrollo de software basada en MDA, BPM y SOA aplicada en la construcción de una plataforma móvil dentro del proyecto Campus Virtual

    6th International Workshop on Practical Applications on Agents and Multiagent Systems


  1. Adaptation to MDA (Model Driven Architecture) for better web software modeling and development

    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications, ITA 05

  2. From the platform independent model (pim) to the final code model (fcm) according to the model driven architecture (mda)

    AC 2005, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing

  3. Migrating to MDA (Model Driven Architecture). A first approach to improve software development and integration

    Proceedings SISOFT 2005

  4. Una recomendación para la implantación de SOA en un contexto de negocio bajo demanda