Publicaciones en las que colabora con Mónica Pinto Alarcón (6)


  1. Self-adaptive energy-efficent applications: The HADAS developing approach

    Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and 2017 IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, DASC-PICom-DataCom-CyberSciTec 2017


  1. Imuseuma: An agent-based Context-Aware intelligent museum system

    Sensors (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 11, pp. 21213-21246


  1. On the contributions of an end-to-end AOSD testbed 1

    Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering

  2. Towards the architectural definition of the health watcher system with AO-ADL

    Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering

  3. Using connectors to model crosscutting influences in software architectures

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)