Área: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Facultad: Facultad de Educación

Research group: Comunicación y Sociedad Digital

Personal web: https://palomacontreraspulido.owlstown.net/

Doctor by the Universidad de Huelva with the thesis La alfabetización mediática como herramienta de intervención en prisiones 2014. Supervised by Dr. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez.

Journalist and social educator with a Doctorate in Education from the University of Huelva. Currently Assistant Professor at the International University of La Rioja (Faculty of Education), specifically in the Department of Technologies Applied to Education and Didactics and School Organisation. She has been a guest professor in several Master's Degrees, including the Audiovisual Communication and Education (UHU-UNIA) and the Master's Degree in the Production and Design of Television Programmes (UCM and IRTVE). She is currently a lecturer in the Inter-University Doctorate in Communication and the Doctorate in Social Sciences and Education. In these roles, she supervises several doctoral theses related to media, technologies, education and social inclusion. She is a researcher in the COYSODI group at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) and a member of Alfamed (Euro-American Inter-University Network for Research on Media Literacy for Citizenship).