Publications by the researcher in collaboration with David Jiménez Pavón (10)


  1. Acute response of skin temperature to incremental exercise test in older adults: The Eficcom Project

    INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS LIFEAGE: Exercise Prescription for Healthy Active Ageing

  2. Association between cardiorespiratory fitness and depressive symptoms in older people: The Eficcom Project

    INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS LIFEAGE: Exercise Prescription for Healthy Active Ageing

  3. Older Adult Exercise Prescription

    Exercise Prescription for Healthy Active Ageing LIFEAGE GUIDE (UCAM-Catholic Unversity of Murcia), pp. 111-120

  4. Use of Infrared Thermography to Estimate Brown Fat Activation After a Cooling Protocol in Patients with Severe Obesity That Underwent Bariatric Surgery

    Obesity Surgery, Vol. 30, Núm. 6, pp. 2375-2381