Universidad de Salamanca-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (11)


  1. Hedonic and eudaimonic motives for watching feature films. Validation of the Spanish version of Oliver & Raney's scale

    Communications, Vol. 38, Núm. 4, pp. 411-431

  2. Portraying immigration in Spanish prime-time TV fiction

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

  3. The Image of Immigration in Spanish Prime-Time TV Fiction

    63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association “Challenging Communication Research”


  1. Análisis de la imagen de la inmigración en la ficción televisiva de prime time

    I Congreso Nacional de Metodología de la Investigación en Comunicación

  2. Persuading people through controversial movies: processes and mechanisms of narrative persuasion

    61st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association


  1. Narrative persuasion through fictional feature films. The mediating role of identification with characters

    29th Annual Conference of International Association of Media and Communication Research “Communication and Citizenship: Rethinking Crisis and Change”