La ciudad vs. el paísLima la horrible y otros contrabandos en el ensayo peruano

  1. Barrantes Martín, Beatríz 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Mendoza, Argentina
Cuadernos del CILHA

ISSN: 1852-9615 1515-6125

Datum der Publikation: 2008

Ausgabe: 9

Nummer: 10

Seiten: 20-33

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Cuadernos del CILHA


Essay is one of the genres more propitious for intellectual appropriations, and the Peruvian essay has not kept out of this circumstance. This article deals with the essay Lima la horrible, written by the Peruvian Sebastián Salazar Bondy in 1964. The essay criticizes the upholding, by certain social and political Peruvian forces, of an image of a colonial Arcadia, costumbrista and criolla, intended to keep Perú anchored in the past. In the wake of this critique, Salazar Bondy builds a whole net of perceptions and images oriented to the creation of a new distortion, between pre-Colombian Arcadia and socialist utopia, that ends up by defining a new autonomous literary reality imposed on the realities of the country.