El control europeo de la seguridad operacional de las companías aereas de terceros estados

  1. José Miguel Sánchez Bartolomé
Revista de derecho del transporte: Terrestre, marítimo, aéreo y multimodal

ISSN: 1889-1810

Año de publicación: 2018

Número: 21

Páginas: 121-153

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista de derecho del transporte: Terrestre, marítimo, aéreo y multimodal


The search for safety on airline operations is one of the main axes in which the air transport industry is based, and the reason of its continue monitoring by the aeronautical Authorities. Within the European Union, a series of legal instruments have been created to monitor and control that the activity of air carriers from third countries observes the high European standards in this regard, as well as to take corrective measures against those cases where irregular activities of the airlines or their national control agencies are detected. The maximum consequence of those monitoring and control activities by the aeronautical administrations is the establishment of lists of airlines that are banned from operating in European territory. In the present text, the European regulation on this matter will be analyzed, from the perspective of the principies that inspire it and its consequences for both airlines and passengers.

Referencias bibliográficas

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