Participación indígena a nivel internacional y afectación al estatocentrismo en la comunidad internacional

  1. Tapia Gutiérrez, Asier
Heurística: revista digital de historia de la educación

ISSN: 1690-3544

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Nummer: 21

Seiten: 111-125

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Heurística: revista digital de historia de la educación


The article exposes the indigenous participation since some decades ago, and how that is influencing inside the statecentrism of The International Law System. With that object have been studied analogies with other groups that have participated at the international instruments elaboration. After that, is analyzed why Indigenous Peoples have participated and how this is linked to indigenous sovereignty. Afterwards is exposed the concepts in which indigenous participation and indigenous sovereignty is based on and its relation to international juridical subjectivity. At last before explaining the conclusions, are presented the practical results at the international arena of indigenous participation in terms if institutionalism that could affect statecentrism.

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