Sentir y gustar internamente. Los ejercicios espirituales y el lugar de la afectividad en la antropología ignaciana.

  1. Luis Martínez Guerrero
Revista de historia de la psicología

ISSN: 0211-0040

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 39

Issue: 2

Pages: 21-27

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de historia de la psicología


Within a history of emotions, Christianity represents one of the most interesting -and least knownsources in order to understand the progressive development of modern subjectivity. Such is the case of the spirituality proposed by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) in his Spiritual Exercises. In the Ignatian anthropology, affectivity is seen as the core that mobilizes the others powers of the soul. Its enormous weight is then revealed when considering the influence it has on every human decision. It is for this reason that most of the practices proposed in the text of the Exercises will be aimed at educating that affectivity, guiding it towards certain moral and theological goals. Thus, the aim of this paper will be to draw up a inventory of those emotional concepts that the text of the Exercises uses and clarify therefore its implications for a possible Christian history of emotions.

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