Lateralidad Contrariada en Educación Infantil
- Mª Raquel Picornell Buendía 1
- Enrique Pérez Pérez 1
Universidad Camilo José Cela
ISSN: 2254-5883
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Alea: 12
Orrialdeak: 282-293
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa
Laterality is understood generically as the functional predominance of half of our body, in relation to the other half. The Central Nervous System (CNS) determines, based on the development of a homogeneous laterality, the predominance of the best use of one part of the body over the other, within the use of the hands (upper), sight, ear and feet (lower). In this sense, a study has been carried out on 40 students of the second cycle of Early Childhood Education (3 to 6 years), and 12 teachers to know the influence that has on the teaching intervention, the aspect of laterality in the educational development of students. In addition, it has been evaluated through questionnaires to students and teachers. The study of the research shows a relationship between age and laterality that indicates that, at three years, there are no differences between a predominance of one place or another, producing a definition over the years in the stage of Early Childhood Education. In relation to the study carried out to the teaching staff, this study has indicated that, unconsciously, they delimit that the students are right-handed.
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