L’aprenentatge basat en el jocaplicació a l’assignatura de Gestió de la Qualitat

  1. Merce Bernardo 1
  2. Presas, Pilar 1
  3. Bernard, Daniel 1
  4. Gracia, María Carmen 1
  5. López-Jurado, María Pilar 1
  6. Huertas-García, Rubén 1
  7. Escalante, Raúl 1
  1. 1 Universitat de Barcelona

    Universitat de Barcelona

    Barcelona, España

    ROR https://ror.org/021018s57

REIRE: revista d'innovació i recerca en educació

ISSN: 2013-2255

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Titel der Ausgabe: (juliol-desembre, 2016)

Ausgabe: 10

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 75-93

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.1344/REIRE2017.10.11015 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: REIRE: revista d'innovació i recerca en educació


The aim of this paper is to explain the experience of creating and applying a question-answer game similar to Trivial Pursuit but adapting it to the content of the Quality Management subject. It tries to provide a different learning methodology to the students, more hedonic and in teams, which allows them to internalize the knowledge of the subject in an easier and more understandable way. The creation of the game started with the modification of multiple choice test questions from previous years to open questions. Participants are 165 students from the three teaching groups of the Quality Management subject of the degrees of Business Management and International Business played. These students realized the tasks under the continuous assessment methodology and have evaluated the experience as very positive. The results show that although the students are satisfied with the game and it has helped them in internalizing the subject knowledge, they have only worked the “teamwork” competence, thus, the game is not allowing the development and/or improvement of the subject competences but it allows improving the learning. This paper is one of the first that presents a game based learning experience in these degrees.

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